T-shirt design inspired by Ron Harper’s iconic tweet.
A T-shirt design inspired by Ron Harper’s iconic tweet.
Ron Harper never felt like he was playing for a "B team" when he played for the #LAClippers.
Background: During an episode of the Podcast P show, Paul George made a controversial statement by calling the Clippers "the B team of LA". Later 5-time NBA champion Ron Harper told P. George to just be a better player.
- "Stop it!!!! Play harder then! I never felt like the B team in L.A. for the LAClippers!" - Harper said on social media X.
🔥 You can buy the T-shirt inspired by Ron Harper’s iconic tweet here:
Ron Harper played for the L.A. Clippers from 1989 to 1994, which was arguably some of the darker times in franchise history. It's very noble for Harper to come to the team's defense after Paul George's statement. 👏🏼 Mad props & admiration! Much Respect! Ron Harper won multiple NBA championships, and is a legend!
🏀 #ClipperNation #BenchOnaQUEST #RonHarper #LAClippers #Clipset