How It All Started...

When people first hear about Bench On a QUEST® they usually wonder what the concept and idea is about. Let’s just say it intrigues people's curiosity. How was the whole idea born?
The #BenchOnaQuest movement was inspired by a drawing of the 2012-'13 Clippers bench. That drawing was later printed on T-shirts and given to fans at a Clippers game in Staples Center, LA.
From a random drawing "Bench On a Quest" slowly evolved into a movement. And it grows continuously with ideas, artworks and infographics every week. Within this blog a few pictures will be shared for others to see how it all started.
"Bench On a QUEST" was born!
Bench On A Quest™ was created in 2012 to provide the L.A. Clippers’ bench of reserves with a unique nickname. And also to unite all Clipper fans!!
Born out of Passion, Respect and Admiration for the Game, and the athletes who make a difference – to the sport and the community.
Inspired by a T-shirt:
I'd like to personally THANK @TheRetroKings, along with the homies @moelac and @friks84 for inspiring me to create the #BenchOnaQUEST movement. Then shortly after my first drawing I created its official Facebook page so I could share the artworks with the world. A few years later I added an Instagram page. Also I visited LA and met with other Clipper fans - so a movement was born!
How did I decide on the name? I came up with it while listening to the song "Band On The Run" by The Beatles... I thought “BENCH (as in bench of reserves) On a QUEST” is a great name for a movement!
A lot more artwork and infographics are yet to be shared, so follow the #BenchOnaQuest movement along: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Tumblr and Behance!
The inspiration
Here is a short video that displays the first artwork inspired by that iconic T-shirt:
(Pictures do not mean to depict any malice/harm/violence. All artwork merely shows the #LAClippers quest for the trophy/championship.)