Bench On a QUEST's Top 9 (2020)
Below you can see our Best 9 posts (instagram) for the previous year. Finally, 2020 is history. Excited about the year to come! We're working our butts off on @BenchOnaQUEST... But let's recap the most popular posts of the previous year. Wow, @Terance Mann, @YgTrece, @LouWillville & @Ralph Lawler all graced our feed with their presence! We're so thankful.
Interestingly, half of The People's #BestNine2020 came late in the year. Maybe we're getting better at making engaging content, or it's a side effect of having more followers. Probably a bit of both!
We hope 2021 brings health, happiness, wealth and #SpiritualGrowth to all of you!! :)
Let's make #2021 greater!!! 😎👊🏼
- @Tony.T (Founder of the @BenchOnaQUEST Movement)
#YearInReview #TopNine2020 #BenchOnaQUEST 🎆 #BestNine 🎨 #ClipperNation 🏀 #TopNine #positivity #determination #ForgeYourOwnPath #LAourWay 🔵🔴 @ClippersMVPs @LAClippers #mostliked #TonyOnaQUEST #TeranceMann #RalphLawler #Dilomski #LAClippers #LouWilliams #PatrickBeverley
Shout-out to: @BBsketch & @Dilomski for the great collabs!! 🔥 #ArtOnFire