Ways To Support #BOAQ
Ways to support...
Ways To Show Your Support In These Difficult Times
Are you struggling to show support to the artist that you admire and love? Sometimes you just can’t support your idol financially. Maybe something unexpected happened, you are waiting for your next paycheck, it’s your child birthday, you wanted to show your romantic side by buying roses for your significant other.
Here are 10 ways to show your support when you don’t have money:
1. Leave comments and replies
Leaving a comment is one of the easiest ways to show your support. Take the time out of your busy schedule and leave a comment or a reply on my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Behance, Tumblr, blog, Vimeo, YouTube, etc.
2. Word of Mouth
Remember that your words are very valuable. People make decisions based on what their friends and family have to say about their favorite artist. Share my pictures that you love with those who are close to you.
3. Like or Share
Like my web content. Actually take it a step further and share the content. Share, retweet, repost, etc. Get the content in front of people. It’s free and it'd be very much appreciated.
4. Change your Avatar
Use one of the "Bench On a QUEST" artworks as your avatar.
Just Google it, there is plenty to choose from.
5. Promote
Promoting my work is easier than you think. All you have to do is track down the links and share it via your Social Media platforms.
6. Video testimonial
Leaving a video testimonial is another way to show support. Recording a video testimonial or review is very simple given the technology that we have nowadays. Record a video talking about my artwork. Keep it short and share it to the world.
7. Post content on Reddit, Stumbleupon, etc.
You can post the content on Reddit or Stumbleupon and help me receive an uptick in views or plays. Please make sure that you follow the guidelines of the sites to avoid the of risk getting banned.
8. Post content on message boards
Post my content on message boards and help spread the word. In order to do this you usually need to be registered. If this is too much work, try looking for some Facebook groups that you can contribute to.
9. Hashtag our art
Use hashtags like #BenchOnaQUEST and #BOAQ whenever you talk about the Bench On a QUEST movement.
10. Blog About It
One of the best ways to share your thoughts about my work is to blog about it. This form of support is very beneficial. Share your honest thoughts about my art.